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Cooperating across borders to fight wildlife crime in Latin America

Success Story: Cooperating across borders to fight wildlife crime in Latin America 


The Latin American region (Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and South America), like other regions, struggles with the same factors that result inwildlife crime occurring at significant levels, including corruption and organized crime. Governments and law enforcement agencies are placing increased emphasis on the protection of the many rich and varied species of the region. Law enforcement agencies in Latin America increasingly address wildlife crime as a serious crime and undertook extensive cooperative efforts to fight it. ICCWC supported law enforcement cooperation and information sharing, for example, between Peru and Ecuador, in a case of shark fin trafficking, where data extracted from seized telephones revealed the involvement of global export companies and links with other serious crimes, such as tax evasion and false declaration.

Read our success story below to learn about ICCWC's work in Latin America or download here. 


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